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Installing a New Lawn in Winter

Whilst the warmer months in spring, summer and early autumn are the ideal time of year to lay a new lawn, winter is still a good time in most situations – and there are even a few benefits in establishing a lawn in the cooler time of the year. There is a common misconception that installing a new warm season turf like Sir Walter DNA Certified cannot be done in cool conditions. This isn’t the truth, as turf is installed successfully all year round anywhere in Australia. In the warmer states, Like Queensland, Northern Territory and northern WA this isn’t really an issue as the temperature doesn’t get cold enough. But in NSW, Victoria, SA and southern WA cold winters put a doubt in our mind about laying a new lawn.

  • Less irrigating is required in winter for new turf.
  • By installing turf now you can have a fully established lawn in time for summer. Why wait until spring where you can’t use your lawn until its established? Get a head start now!
  • Lawn Solutions Australia turf farms undertake a number of measures to ensure the turf they supply during winter is top quality including the use of frost blankets and ColourGuard applications.

A benefit in laying a new lawn in winter is lower water usage. In the cooler months, you will not have to irrigate your new lawn anywhere near as much compared with the warmer months as the days are not hot enough to dry out your new turf. Whilst it still needs some water, you can virtually halve your water usage by laying turf in winter and still maintain a healthy lawn come spring.

Another benefit is you wont have to mow your lawn until the weather warms up. This comes in very handy as the winter months have shorter days and weekends filled up with sport and other activities, which makes it much harder to find the time. Just keep in mind, when laying a new lawn in winter the lawn will not root down properly until the weather warms up and it starts growing again. This doesn’t mean anything is wrong, and your lawn isn’t dying. It is simply sitting idle until it gets some warmer temperatures so it can fully establish.

So why wait? Beat the rush in spring and install your lawn now so it’s ready to use all summer.

Article prepared by Lawn Solutions Australia.

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