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Brisbane’s Best Lawn 2022 Winner Revealed

Congratulations to Matt from Narangba, the Brisbane’s Best Lawn competition winner! His stunning Tiftuf turf and meticulously designed gardens left the judges in awe. But the real showstopper? That perfectly placed street tree still takes our breath away every time we see it! It fits so seamlessly into the landscape, it’s like he cut a perfect hole in the grass and dropped it in!

Three years in the competition and still impressive, Matt continues to be a lawn master. This year, he takes home the top prize for having the best lawn in Brisbane!

How does Matt get his lawn looking so amazing?

Matt’s lawn care routine is nothing short of exceptional! His dedication to his lawn is evident in every blade of grass, and the results are simply stunning. Don’t let the lush green carpet fool you. This is a well-oiled machine that requires hard work and attention to detail. But the effort is worth it, and the proof is in the pictures.

“I mow and edge twice weekly, mowing first and edging last. I do a double-cut cylinder mow every time in at least 2 directions, followed by rotary scissors flat topping the edge, a stick edger, and then a blow. It gives the cleanest sharpest edge. As a tradesman, you have what you call your finishing tools, and edging should be done last, as you can’t miss anything. I lightly groom the lawn every 2-4 weeks as part of a maintenance schedule.

“I use all Lawn Pride products on my lawn. They work amazingly, and I’m yet to fault them! In Spring, I did a big renovation, the hardest I’ve ever gone through. I scalped the Tiftuf to absolute dirt, core aerated, and scarified. Then I used Centenary Landscaping Supplies’ Fairway Pro Maxx top dressing sand, which was next level! I followed that up with Lawn Pride Gro Turf. I also use Lawn Pride‘s range of foliar fertilisers on a monthly application. Not long ago, I put out my first application of PGR for the season. Every fertiliser application, rates of products put out, to scheduled grooming gets noted down in a book, so I can look back and stay on top of my program.”

Ok, wow! No effort is too great when you’re as passionate about your lawn as Matt. That rigorous lawn care routine may be challenging, but the results speak for themselves – a breathtaking lawn that leaves us in awe! Hard work meets determination, and the end result is nothing short of stunning. Bravo, Matt!

Hats off to our top 4 finalists! Greg from Ormeau, Josh from Bridgeman Downs, Rodney from Narangba, and of course, the winner Matt, have put in some serious elbow grease to get their lawns looking incredible. It’s no secret why they were chosen as the crème de la crème in Brisbane’s Best Lawn competition. Their lush lawns are the ultimate proof that hard work really does pay off.

Congrats to the category champions of Brisbane’s Best Lawn competition!

Selecting the winners was no easy feat, with so many gorgeous lawns in the running. But after much consideration, we’re thrilled to announce the subcategory champions!

Best Landscaped Lawn:

Cheers to Jian in Kuraby! You’ve taken home the title of Best Landscaped Lawn with your well-manicured gardens featuring organic shapes and your stunning QLD Blue Couch lawn. Someone from our judging panel will be in touch to organise your $300 lawn care prize.

Best New Lawn:

A huge congrats to Dimitri in Bridgeman Downs, the Best New Lawn category winner! Your luscious green Sir Grange Zoysia lawn is a true inspiration. Someone from our judging panel will be in touch soon to arrange your $300 lawn care prize.

Another year of beautiful lawns

Well, folks, that wraps up another exciting round of Brisbane’s Best Lawn!

Huge thanks to all the lawn enthusiasts who entered, the thousands who voted, and all of you who were in awe of the stunning lawns on display. Let’s get ready for the next competition, folks!

For more information on Brisbane’s Best Lawn, as well as dates and competition prizes for 2023, head over to . 

And before we go, remember to check out all the fantastic entries and their lawn care regimes. You might find something that works for you and your lawn.

Til next time, keep your lawns green.

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