Mon-Fri: 6:00AM-5:00PM; Sat, Sun, Public Holidays: 7:30AM-3:30PM

Soft Fall Pine Bark

$189.00 m3

Soft Fall A Grade Bark /M3

A finely screened and vacuum cleaned (fines removed) pine nugget, which is most often specified for school playgrounds and underneath play equipment such as trampolines.

However, as the nugget is so clean and finely screened it also makes an ideal mulch for small gardens, heavily planted areas, and indoor settings – as well as for the top of pots. This product is also suitable as an addition to potting medias to allow better drainage and aeration.

Soft Fall Pine bark is the ultimate clean, dust and fines free mulch.

All bark, mulch & composts are purchased by the 1m3 or fraction thereof.

Weight 750 kg
Shipping Group


Mulch Type


Bay No.


Conversion Guide

N/A – Sold by the m3

SKU 10SF Category
66 -Fretile Soil- (Outline)Created with Sketch.

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