Mon-Fri: 6:00AM-5:00PM; Sat, Sun, Public Holidays: 7:30AM-3:30PM

Midnight Black Cypress Mulch

$137.00 m3

Midnight Black Cypress Mulch

A dark black Cypress mulch developed to enhance the natural greens and colours of a garden or landscape. If you are looking for a unique project finish and an enhanced garden appearance, this is the high quality coloured mulch for you. We use industry-leading technologies and natural carbon black dye. The dye is ground into the product to give long-lasting colour in this fine, consistent textured mulch. Our Midnight Black mulch has the added benefit of Cypress natural termite Resistance.

Like any natural bark or mulch, the tannins will run if put onto light concrete, tiles, or other surfaces. We recommend a delivery drop location on grass, dirt, or on a tarp.

  • Rich long lasting Black colour
  • Retains moisture, reducing water requirements for your garden
  • Environmentally sustainable
  • Natural Termite Resistance*
  • Fresh Cypress fragrance
  • Complies with Australian Standard 4454-2012
  • 100% Genuine Cypress

All products are natural and the exact colour and consistency cannot be guaranteed due to variations in the timber or bark raw materials. As a premium manufacturer, we pride ourselves on getting our formulas and manufacturing as close as possible every time.

All bark, mulch & composts are purchased by the 1m3 or fraction thereof.

Weight 750 kg
Shipping Group


Mulch Type


Bay No.


Conversion Guide

N/A – Sold by the m3

SKU 10CBM Category Tag
66 -Fretile Soil- (Outline)Created with Sketch.

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